Love! This word is so strong that it is capable of breaking the toughest heart. People that claim to love each other today can go crazy with hate for the…
It seems like a high percentage of singles find the word “marriage" very scary. This sounds weird, right? However, it is the reality. People want to fall in love,…
A sincere apology does not include if’s and but’ I’m sorry for what happened but.. But what? My apologies but if... Stop right there . An apology should not have…
10 reasons to avoid comparison in your relationship I want to ask a quick question before talking about this topic. If it was better why did you break up?…
15 signs to show that your partner isn’t contributing to the marriage If your partner is not contributing to the marriage. I strongly advise that you talk to them about…
Importance of effective communication in marriage Is effective communication really important? Let's take a trip down memory lane, I guess this was the beginning of the whole marriage process? He…
The Dangers of third-party in a marriage I’m very certain that most marriages face lots of problems due to the influence of third-party in a marriage. What I can’t seem…
What separates us from God's love? What exactly can separate you from God’s love? Is there something strong enough to take us away from the greatest love of all time?…
Why some men stop their wife’s progress The big question for the men is? what exactly are you scared of? why don’t you support your wives when they are advancing in…
LOVE AND LUST Love and lust are very popular four-letter “L” words that define so many relationships especially romantic relationships. They are similar yet very different types of attraction. Some…
ADD VALUE TO PEOPLE; CHARITY There are a lot of people in the world today who are homeless, poor, others are completely unable to support their other families. The question…