The top 7 reasons why Christians still worry
One of my personal mantras to overcome the need to worry is; “If worrying can proffer a solution, then I will stick with it”
I worried about so many things while growing up. It was so bad that immediately after one issue was resolved I will worry about the next situation that will arise.
I lived my life in constant fear and expectation that the worst was yet to come. I know this is a really crazy way to live but that was exactly how my life was.
When I became a Christian and read the Bible’s view on worrying. I realized that worrying has done no good for me. Instead, it spiked up anxiety and panic attacks.
Worrying leads to no good however its negative effects are abundant. If you are self-diagnosed with a serious case of worrying. Read this article carefully, search for the reason you are always worried. Then ask yourself one simple question; has worrying resolved the issue?
Biblical view on worries
Do not be anxious but in everything make your request known to God in prayer and supplication (Phil 4:6)
So many passages in the bible talk about full dependence on God. They remind us to stay away from the worries that come with lives. However, Christians still find it really difficult to live without worries. Most times they ask if it is even possible to stay without worries. The answer to the question is strictly based on each individual.
A life without worries is exactly what God envisions for us. He wouldn’t tell us not to worry if he had no backup plan.
God loves us so much that he tells us countless times not to worry. If we can tell ourselves the simple truth we will realize that worrying does not resolve the issue. Worrying instead prevents you from thinking of a logical approach to solve a situation.
Worries have become a daily meal for some believers, they worry about what to eat, clothes to wear, money, their kids, and many other things. The bible says that God already knows that we need all these things. Our duty is to remind God of his word through and prayers and petitions.
Let’s look at a practical example that happens in our everyday life.
When you misplace something but that is really important what the first emotion you feel? A lot of people panic, they feel scared instantly.
Let’s raise the bars; have you ever misplaced a document that you need for an important presentation? If your answer is yes, please let me know your reaction in the comment section.
The majority reacts with a panic-stricken mindset:
- Where could it be?!
- How did I misplace it?!
- I left it on my first shelf?!
- Did someone steal it?!
- What will I tell my boss?!
- How do I even face him?!
- God, please help me!1
You have all these thoughts run through your mind while searching for the file. In most cases, the file might be right in front of you but you can’t notice it because you have slipped into panic mode.
However, if someone in a more relaxed state checks through the particular spot. They will find the document. This happens because unlike you they did not focus on the problem.
This is exactly the same thing with worries, when we are so focused on problems, we don’t also find the solutions we need.
What is the difference between worrying and planning?
Most people use these words interchangeably however they are wrong. Worrying and planning are completely two different things. Though there is a thin line between them. Hence, they are mostly mistaken to mean the same thing.
Planning is a systematic and organized way of finding a potential solution to an existing problem. Worrying on the other hand is the act of dwelling on one’s problem and the worst-case scenario that can occur.
In planning, solutions are reviewed in worrying problems are magnified.
Negative effects of worrying
- It can lead to a mental disorder
- Depression
- Death
- Lack of trust in God
- Jealousy
- Temporary solution (drugs and other forms of immoral acts).

Reasons why Christians worry
People worry for different reasons. There are limitless reasons why people worry however for the course of this article we will study 7 reasons and find out what the bible says about them.
- Unsure future
Most people are so scared about their future. They feel like their life is not what they envision hence their future is gloomy. People find the thoughts of what will happen in the future, future job, partner, status, or friends a frightening and touchy subject.
My question is. if you don’t know what your future will be like, why do you feel it will be negative, not positive?
Why do humans accept negatives faster than they accept the positive?
Uncertainty about the future can be terrifying. Especially when the present situation is barely manageable. This is one of the worst feelings to encounter, it is pessimistic, limiting, and crippling.
What does the bible say?
The bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the thoughts I think towards you. Thoughts of good and not of evil to give you an expected end.
This tells us that we might not be aware of our beautiful future. However, God already has it planned out. Whenever the worry about the future arises. Ensure that you hold fast to God’s word.
God has beautiful plans for you, your future is already secured. All you need to do is believe, expect and watch God mold your future in unexpected ways.
- Limiting beliefs
There are so many crippling beliefs that we need to let go of. There are so many generalized comments that you have accepted and subconsciously believed. They include:
- Everyone fails there, it never works out.
- How can I progress with this economy?
- I cannot do this.
- It is too hard to accomplish
- It is impossible
These belief systems led to worries of different magnitude. If a particular belief only leads to worry why then do you stick with it?
The bible says that we should cast all our cares upon the Lord for he cares for us. It also asks a question is there anything impossible for God to do?
When we keep all these limiting beliefs in our minds, it gets really hard to believe God’s promises. God says he cares about you therefore what situation can he not change. It is time to bade our limiting fears goodbye and look up to the promise God has for us.
- Lack of trust
Worries arise when we feel like we have no hope. If we already have the solution to a problem, there will be no need to worry. We have no trust in God or his word.
We believe that God doesn’t hear or see us. Hence, we do not believe that he can save us.
If you don’t believe in someone’s capabilities, you will not ask for anything. Most Christians don’t believe in God’s ability to help. Yet they expect him to help them out in difficult situations. How exactly can he do that when you don’t believe that he can.
Jesus said ‘if we believe we would say unto the mountain and cast into the sea. And it will be done.
The bible also says with God all thing is possible.
This is the assurance we need. We need to believe that God is able to grant our request. To receive from God, we must first believe that he can grant our request.
It’s not a game of chance neither is the lottery. It is a surety that he who believes receives.
- Lack of contentment: the rate of discontentment is skyrocketing. There is a thin line between wanting better and never being satisfied with whatever you have.
The truth is you might not fit into the shoes of those people you are envious of.
If you are not content with what you have now, then you might never have enough. The more you have the less content you feel.
Contentment doesn’t mean being comfortable in a particular position for so long. It means a strong desire of want and dissatisfaction despite one’s acquirement or achievement.
The bible says take no thought about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of its self. We need to live our lives celebrating little successes while hoping for an upgrade. It’s not good to be overly comfortable at a particular spot for so long. But it is also of no good to feel discontented.
- Basic needs: Food, shelter, and clothing are the basic necessities of life. As humans, we need the three in order to survive. However, worrying over the basic necessities has never actually provided them.
Worries are limiting, it stops you from actually making problem-solving plans.
God’s word tells us not to worry about what we shall eat or wear. It further stated that our heavenly Father knows that we need these things.
God is our father and he knows that we need our basic needs met. He cares about you; all you need to do is ask and believe. God provides for people in unexpected ways. If you haven’t received it, what are you waiting for? Talk to God and tell him what you need.
- Fear: Our society is filled with people who are scared of almost everything. There are a lot of phobias that exist in the world. When we are afraid, we tend to worry a lot. We forget that God tells us in his world that we should fear not.
The bible is filled with so many passages that tell us that God is with us. Hence, we shouldn’t be afraid. God knows that certain situations may arise and cause us to fear. But he tells us continuously not to be afraid.
- Ingenuity: When we cheat or lie to people. We get scared that they may find out hence we tend to worry. The bible tells us to say the truth and it will set us free.
It might be hard but if God says that is the best way. Then you just have to follow his directions. If you don’t want to feel embarrassed or worried later. Then it better to stick with standing for the truth right now.
It might be hard to completely give up worrying. However, your goal should be to minimize it. Replace your worries with what the bible says about the condition.
Live a life of faith over fear, refuse to indulge in self-pity rather seek solutions that can resolve the issue.
Worrying never solved any problem for me. Though I still worry sometimes. However, there is a rapid decline as I strongly believe God’s words over the present situation.
Do not focus on the problem, rather focus on God’s ability to solve the problem.
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