God’s purpose in life challenges
Most times in life we face difficult and trying situations as Christians. Then we ask one particular and popular question. What is God’s purpose in life challenges?
God’s purpose in life challenges is simply to help you grow. You might not understand it the moment the action is ongoing but the truth is God never does anything without an expected and beautiful end for you.
As Christians or believers, We might have the wrong notion. Especially when we think that everything is supposed to go right, easy, and without any form of difficulty for us.
This isn’t exactly true.
Of course, the Bible says I wish above all things that you be in good health and prosper even as your soul prospereth.
This is God’s ultimate desire for us. But most times we cannot get to the diamond unless we pass through rigorous refining processes.
Now, this is the point that’s so many potential Christians do not understand.
They ask questions like;
- If God is ultimate if God can do everything why then does suffering occur?
- Why doesn’t everything just work out fine?
- Why did God let me pass through the situation when he knew it wasn’t exactly going to end well?
- Does the Bible say God knows everything by then he warned me about this?
These and more are questions a lot of potential believers ask, they are confused.
As they do not understand why the all-knowing and all-powerful God will let them face challenges that he can take away with a snap of his finger.
There are so many people that have left Christianity because of concept life challenges.
This article will be a discussion to understand why actually let challenges happen.
It will also serve as a guide to help us understand and be aware of the right attitude to possess when we are facing challenges.

10 reasons God allows challenges
To strengthen you
“Tough times don’t last but tough people do, winners never quit and quitters never win”
These are popular sayings we hear almost every day but do we really understand what it implies.
Tough times refer to difficult challenges and a tough person is definitely a winner.
Someone who refuses to give up despite how tasking hard the challenge might seem.
This may not be what you want to hear, but it is the ultimate truth.
God purpose in life challenges is to strengthen us, I have heard so many people including myself make this statement;
“I didn’t know I could do it”
If the challenge was not present, you might never find out that you can handle certain things yourself.
It is very difficult to see the good in the middle of a crisis.
The bible tells us that God is faithful and just, he will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.
God allows challenges to strengthen us and open our eyes to the possibilities of things we can achieve. If only we make the decision to believe.
A source of motivation for others
Have you ever be opportune to use your past events to help someone in a similar situation?
The answer is a very big yes for me. Countless times I have been able to render advice to people who are facing a challenge I have been through in the past.
God knows that the challenge you are facing might save someone tomorrow, hence he let you face it.
Your ability to survive the challenges you face and help others is God’s purpose in life’s challenges.
You might not fully be aware of this, but a lot of people who offer advice to you in challenging times have been there before.
They are able to share the lessons they learned and help you through this really difficult time in your life.
A tool to learn
If you are reading this article right now. Then you have probably received education either formally or informally.
The process of education is quite tasking. You go to school, learn, study, understand, take quizzes, write exams and engage in different forms of projects.
There is a popular saying that “you learn to earn”
If you have zero knowledge about anything and no skills how exactly will you earn?
This is exactly what God’s purpose in life challenges is, he is interested in our ability to learn.
We need structural and functional adaptations to this process. Life challenges are always available, it is our responsibility to learn from them.
It’s a next-level event
We all must have played different mobile games and we are familiar with the word “next level”
In order to get to the next level, one must be willing to pass through rigorous and tasking challenges. Each new level is more tasking than the previous.
Most times we hit these obstacles and the game ends. This doesn’t stop us, rather we look for other skills that will help us arrive at the next level.
God’s purpose in life challenges is to move us to the next level in our lives.
However, to get to the next level you must be willing to go through the challenges the present level comes with.
It is very simple, if you want to level in life as a believer, you should get used to the idea of dealing with challenges.
God doesn’t let us face challenges to hurt or punish us, rather he allow them for our promotion.
To bring glory to God
If you are familiar with the story in the bible about the blind sitting by the pool of Bethesda.
According to the story, he was born blind and Jesus’ disciples ask him what was the reason?
Remember the response Jesus gave? He simply said it was to give glory to God through man’s life.
The bible also said in Matthew “let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven”
God is interested in manifesting his glory through our lives. God’s purpose in life challenges is simply to manifest and showcase his glory through your life.
When people give testimonies about how God saved rescued or protected them. What they are simply doing is using their life as a tool to express God’s glory.
A tool for soul-winning
Quite a number of people who are believers, today have an encounter with God while stuck at a particular level.
It’s just like the mobile games maybe you have been stuck on a particular level for weeks. Then, someone gave you a clue or you found some hint from the internet that helped you move to the next level.
God has been extremely generous with his help, his generosity has attracted a lot of people who believe in him.
The challenge you are faced with might be the missing piece you need to fully build your relationship with God.
Or it can be used as a tool to preach to someone about how God saved you when you were neck-deep in challenges.
As a means of correction
There are some times the holy spirit warns us about a particular thing. However, we refuse to listen then we get stuck in the middle of life challenges.
Before embarking on fasting and prayers, try to remember of you ignored a divine instruction.
Most times we don’t listen to God’s guidance then we get stuck and run back to him.
God’s purpose in life challenges is to correct us, by doing this we can pay more attention to his leadership and directives.
To push you to your full potential
There are so many things in life you will never achieve unless you are pushed.
Laziness and comfort zone has held a lot of people from attaining greater feats.
God loves us so much, therefore he lets us face certain situations that force us to strive hard and out of our comfort zone.
A perfect example is the job of a sport or fitness coach. They know what you are capable of but they constantly push you to go beyond your previous best.
God’s purpose in life challenges is to push us to our full potentials and prevent us from living in past glories and achievements.
How to respond to challenges
Be extremely close to your bible
Joshua said the book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, you shall meditate on it day and night in order to have great success.
The bible is a prophetic word, there’s nothing you are going through in life that does not have a solution in the bible.
Whatever you are going through in life has happened before, you are not the first person going through that life challenge.
Search your Bible and you will discover a similar problem in the bible. It will help to direct your path to overcoming your challenges.
We need to derive wisdom from the bible to handling life challenges.
Establish a healthy communication with God
What do you constantly do when you are facing a really tasking time?
Grumble, complain, engage in negative positivity, cry or pray.
You can never solve any problem with all these except prayer, instead, they will multiply your problem, always pray in and out of season.
The book of Proverbs 3:5÷6 says trust God with all your heart, do not always rely on what you think you know but always believe God in everything you do, and he will show you the right way to follow.
As believers, we need to communicate with our heavenly Father through prayers. Thessalonians tells us to pray without ceasing.
Pay attention to details and learn
Try to pick out the lessons as you journey to your next level.
Because every challenge has a lesson for us to learn. Every challenge is not there to kill you but to help you become the best version of yourself.
Most times, it’s a prayer answered but you have to be very careful not to miss out on the lesson and the direction it’s taking you to.
Each new obstacle is a chance to develop a new winning strategy.
Dealing with challenges is tasking but paramount in attaining greater height.
This article does not seek to play light on the challenging and tough times you face. Rather it stands as a beacon to point you to God’s purpose in life challenges.
When next you face challenges or crises always remember that you need to leave that level no matter how many times you will need to try.