Success is not defined by the book you read that may be true but neither is it defined by the books you don’t read.
If you read personal growth books because you are invested in self-growth and development you know this truth “Knowledge is a currency”, claimed by all but wielded by few.
Reading personal growth books without understanding what is written or making efforts to practice what you read is a waste of time and money.
The books that leave an impact are the ones you read, understand and cultivate the habits written in them – everything else is a big waste.
On the other hand, if you believe books cannot help in personal growth but have never read any book on personal development and practiced the steps listed, you should give at least one book in our list a trial. Read, understand, practice and if it still doesn’t yield a positive change you can gloat in our faces.
The 5 must-read personal growth books with a brief description

If you have heard of Blinkist, consider this the written form but way shorter than 15 minutes.
We have compiled a list of books that have impacted lives across the globe including our team of writers here in live dreams alive.
These are not random books we selected from the internet, these are books at least a member of our team has read that impacted their life, and changed their perspectives about certain realities and we are hoping these personal growth books do the same for you.
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
Whatever you heard of atomic habit is true, it’s worth every hype and viral tweet it received.
Atomic Habit is not a regular book you skim through, it’s one of the books of the century that screams “Hey you! Success is not a miracle, it’s the combination of what you do every day”.
The author James says:
if you want to be a successful person look at your habits, are your habits the habits of successful people or the opposite? To see different results, live differently. He advised readers to convert their goals from “being to becoming”
It doesn’t matter what stage of life you are in; atomic habit is a mindset reset, it changes the way you approach success and helps you cultivate the habits of successful individuals.
- Not nice by Dr Aziz Gazipura
It may not have received the attention or amass the fan’s atomic habits gained but “Not Nice” is another must-read but it’s not for everyone.
Are you a people pleaser? do you feel guilty when you say no? do you struggle to look into people’s eyes and want to be liked by everyone? you have to read this book.
Not Nice is a book like no other, it hits you where it hurts with the truth you are trying to hide then shows you the other part of life you are avoiding and provides a bridge to help you cross.
“Dr Aziz made me cry until I couldn’t cry again, it felt like he knew me and every word hurt. I’m a fast reader but I kept avoiding the book, I could have finished it in less than a month but it took me 3 months. I missed reading days because I didn’t want to be removed from my comfort place and Dr Aziz was doing it without trying, it hurt so bad. I finished the book, made adjustments in my life, people noticed, I noticed and honestly, I can’t wait to re-read it. It played a huge role in changing a big part of my life” –
A review from a content writer in Live Dreams Alive.
The gifts of imperfection by Dr Brene Brown
It’s funny how the easiest thing to do has somehow become the hardest and books are written to teach us “how to be ourselves”.
In a world where everyone copies trends and the media pushes out images of perfections on “what is or what should be” it has become hard to love you and Dr Brene brings up the elephant in the room with this amazing read.
She encourages readers to ditch “picture perfect expectations”, accept who they are, understand how life happenings played a role in their becoming, and identify and accept weakness but focus on strengths rather than flaws.
Dr Brene didn’t mince words, as a shame researcher she spoke about shame, and guilt and how they influence us when not handled appropriately. Consider this personal growth book a gift for yourself this year, it will change your life, change how you see yourself /others, and open your eyes to the wonders of self-love and forgiveness.
A line from the laws of imperfection reads:
“Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help”.
- Woman Evolve by Sarah Jakes Robert
Every lady looking for personal development books should get a copy of this book and extra copies for your girls because you want the change to spread around your circle.
Woman Evolve is a wonderful read by Sarah and it focuses on the rebirth of Eve, it’s a read that encourages ladies to stop defining their entire life by past negative events.
A lot of women have heart-wrenching experiences that may be responsible for their present conditions, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel and end up huddled in pain and regret for a past they wish could be undone.
She encourages ladies to forgive themselves, face that situation head-on and fight for their lives and the future of the generation behind them. This book is a mindset switch, it makes you see how much you give up every day to stay sad, depressed and regretful.
Don’t end 2024 without reading this book or gifting a lady in your cycle one.
- The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach
Ready to make your first million? Grab a notepad and jot down every necessary money-making tip from David.
With an eye-opening example of how a Latte every day cost you millions, David Bach is spilling the tea on money wasters and empowering readers with easy millionaire habits to incorporate into your lifestyle.
2024 is 5 months away and that’s enough time to change your life by investing in all or one of these 5 personal development books.
It is called “personal” for a reason, no one else can change your life, you have to accept responsibility and put in the work if you want a different reality.