17 natural beauty tips for ladies
17 natural beauty tips for ladies

17 natural beauty tips for ladies

Being beautiful is a form of confidence but with the ever-evolving standards of beauty from having curves to building toned abs and maintaining beautiful skin, it is hard to keep up. Originally, beauty is meant to be more than an outward appearance, it is a way of life from your personality, speech, aura and overall outlook.

Some aspects of physical beauty are enhanced by cosmetic procedures but internal factors have to be fixed by each individual. This article combines natural beauty tips for both external and internal appearance.

If you are looking for ways to improve your overall outlook, this article might be the best read you have had in a while.

Best 17 natural beauty tips for ladies

17 natural beauty tips for ladies

From improving your skincare routine to reading self-help books, these natural beauty tips are the game changers.

Someone once said “Nothing happens by chance” If you want something, go for it. These natural beauty tips will not be effective because you read them, they will only be beneficial if you apply them.

  1. Fix your confidence

Confidence is beautiful and although it sounds like an easy hack it’s a difficult natural beauty tip to perfect. Unlike other physical skills, confidence is not built by workout routines or a trip to the surgeon’s table but with intentionality and acceptance.

A confident lady knows her flaws but doesn’t focus on them. She identifies her strengths develops them, is unfazed by opinions and doesn’t listen to cheap gossip. She celebrates other successes without jealousy or a need to compete, sets her own goals, accomplishes them and paves the way for her success.

If you are waiting for a new job, a new car, or a flourishing business to be confident, what happens when those things no longer exist?

Your confidence should not be determined by what you are but rather by who you are as an individual and a purposeful being in the world.

P.S. Chin up girl! Stop looking at the ground, the world is blessed to have you.

  1. Identify your body type

Dressing according to your body type takes your overall look from “okay to wow”. Every body type has dressing styles that flatter their prominent features and improve the “not-so-great features, creating a perfect balance.

Identifying your body type helps you make informed decisions like; choosing to enhance your size or building an exercise routine that targets the features that need improvements.

  1. Smile

This is the cheapest natural beauty tip anyone can learn. If you struggle with smiling that’s not a problem, it’s an act you can perfect. Look into a mirror, remember a beautiful memory then smile, if you don’t like what you see, make a quick trip to YouTube to study the act of smiling.

While there’s no science behind a beautiful smile, think of babies and their smiles, it makes everyone go “awww”, it’s genuine, and real, most times it makes you smile too- that’s the power of a beautiful smile.

  1. Have the “hard-talk” day

The worst delusional game is avoiding a reality that your subconscious has accepted.

A game-changing natural beauty tip for ladies is having a heart-to-heart talk with yourself. An honest conversation helps you accept what can or can’t be changed.

  • What do I think about my face,
  • Do I hate my eyes?
  • Do I believe my dentition is ugly?
  1. Learn the art of styling

If you follow any fashion influencer on social media, you would have seen posts like “There’s a difference between wearing and styling, ” which are correct.

Wearing clothes gives off a basic vibe but styling them with the right shoes and accessories lifts the spirit and aura of your outfit. It shifts your look from “That’s fine to OMG!!”

To understand styling, you need to understand your body type and perhaps it’s time for a much-needed wardrobe makeover.

  1. Practice retrospective thinking

A clear mind is an asset for a beautiful lady!

The easiest way to develop a beautiful mind is to get rid of ugly thoughts, when next someone says something mean to you, sit back and think it through. Are they right? Was I wrong? Do I need to address them? Think about it, filter the sense from the nonsense but if there’s nothing of value, thrash it.

Don’t hold on to what people say or think about you, it will only lead to resentment and bitterness. Moreover, it’s their thoughts why should you be responsible for that?

  1. Give Pinterest a bit of your social time

Want to improve your style change your wardrobe and get free fashion inspirations? Try Pinterest! Create boards, pin styles that resonate with you, and explore creativity with your new Bestie.

  1. Moisturize!

Moisturiser is a no-brainer for a beautiful lady, a moisturised skin is supple, plump and hydrated. Ladies don’t watch your skin dry out, invest in a good moisturiser that suits your skin type.

  1. Stop hating on what you don’t have yet

If you can’t remember any natural beauty tips, please remember this! Stop hating on your fellow queens, it’s an ugly character. She has a car, you don’t that is okay, her skin is glowing and yours isn’t well skincare still exists you will get there too.

Ugliness is hating successful people because you are not there yet! If a lady is high up celebrate her, you will get there and even move farther.

  1. Embody gratitude

Sometimes it seems like there are more things to complain about than give thanks for, if you can relate to this you should also know that complaining breeds worries, and worries breed stress that affects your beauty.

Choose gratitude over complaints, every night before you go to bed find three things you are grateful for.

  1. Pay attention to your dressing

People say “Dress the way you want to be addressed” That’s fair but we say “Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable, confident and proud” (not a boastful arrogant way).

Don’t wear rumpled clothes, check out for stains, fix torn clothes, replace fallen buttons and ensure you leave the house feeling great. This will boost your confidence and leave you feeling more beautiful.

  1. Practice double cleansing

Add this natural beauty tip to your skincare routine and experience a striking difference.

Switch your usual cleanser-toner method for the cleanser-cleanser-toner method (double cleanse before toner). Double cleansing clears off impurities, makeup and other dirt the first cleansing wasn’t able to remove leaving behind a clean and beautiful skin.

  1. Hair Love Day is a big flex

Your hair is a big part of your beauty routine and it requires as much care as the other parts of your body. Choose good products, reduce exposure to heating devices, wear protective styles and ensure you treat your hair to a good wash-day routine.

  1. Sleep

There are no natural beauty tips without a great sleep routine. Ladies, you need beauty sleep to improve your skin health and overall appearance. Get 7-9 hours of beauty sleep every day.

  1. Learn to do your makeup

There’s nothing wrong with hiring professional makeup artists but it’s efficient to learn simple everyday makeup styles. Learn to draw your eyebrows, use the brushes and contour palette, and identify lip shades that suit your skin tone. A little touch-up can make all the difference.

  1. Stress happens but she’s not your friend

Sometimes stress is unavoidable however, it should not become a daily routine. Obey your rules, quit procrastinating and compiling tasks that should be done in a week into a single day. A beautiful lady is a combination of a well-rested body and mind.

  1. Start a daily active activity

Join a dance class, start a morning walk or join a yoga class


There are over 1000+ natural beauty tips for ladies but none is as important as this first tip: know yourself. Ladies before embarking on a journey to improve your beauty, it’s best to understand who you are, what you like and what beauty means to you.

The world’s standard of building is always changing and your inability to understand yourself can have you jumping on every trend to feel among or find social acceptance. Beauty is subjective, choose your beauty standards, upgrade with the times, and apply the easy tips we have recommended and your beauty journey will be the most pleasant experience ever.